Displaying 11 - 20 of 26.
Military experts have said that the Egyptian people will not accept the existence of an Islamic state. Major General Jamāl Maẓlūm (Gen.) said, "Whatever the percentage of participants [were Muslim] at the rally in Taḥrīr Square...I do not think that the people of Egypt are moving towards a...
The article criticizes the Egyptian media for portraying the rescue of kidnapped foreign tourists as a great victory for the Egyptian military.
The author looks at the status of the Baha’ī religion in Egypt and comments on the effects that this status can have on individuals.
The article considers the problem that recently erupted in Marina regarding a plot of land that was allegedly granted to the church. The author presents an overview of the documentation in question.
At the Ibn Khaldoun Research center, Mr. Magdi Khaliel, an emigrant Copt, gave a lecture trying to justify the attempts of some emigrant Copts and even those of some foreign countries to intervene in Egyptian affairs under the pretext of protecting Copts from what they claim is persecution in...
The Egyptian Ministry of Awqāf [endowments] has recently endorsed a proposal to unify the call to prayer that is broadcast from thousands of different loudspeakers in the country’s capital.
Evā Roumānī presents a study on the life of an Egyptian Copt who devoted himself to creating a better legal, intellectual, patriotic, social and political system in his homeland. Dr. William Sulaymān Qilāda was also a Coptic thinker who tried to establish complete citizenship for Copts.
The author pointed out the many moral principles of Islam, stressing that what is said in the Western media about Islam being a religion that encourages aggression, extremism, fanaticism, killing and terrorism is a baseless calumny. He added that the recent attacks in America are a hateful crime...
The state is responsible for allocating and planning cemeteries for all sectors of Egyptians. It does well indeed by planning neighboring cemeteries for both Muslims and Copts. It makes sense that, if the live close to one another, there can be no sensitivity in their being buried near one another...
When I. visited the monastery of the Holy Virgin on the Western Mountain of Dronka in Assiut, I saw at the foot of the mountain a vast area covered with gloomy brushwood. The monastery tried hard to clean up the area and cultivate it with timber-producing woods—watered by the drained water—but the...


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