Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Ahmad Sabrī Amīn shows the lives of the Muslims living in Denmark and their reactions towards the Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry in Denmark has released 6,500 documents, numbering 55,000 pages, related to the abusive caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, which were published last year causing a big crisis.
The conference held in Denmark over the offensive Danish cartoons called for by the young controversial dā‘iya cAmr Khālid has created different reactions in the West and the Islamic world.
In the drama that followed the republishing of the Danish cartoons across several European nations, the Danish and Norwegian Embassies in Damascus, and also the Danish Consulate in Beirut, were all burnt down. These incidents prompted those foreign ministers to advise their people to leave Syria...
AWR lecture tour in Germany shows many misconceptions about Egypt.
The ongoing process of obtaining NGO status. Dr. Meinardus visits Cairo and recommends writing a book for the understanding of contemporary concepts of martyrdom and persecution in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Dutch businessman Frans Derksen of Fayoum Oases development consulted AWR for advice when...
In the last issue of the debate aired by the Qatari Al-Jezira channel between Maurice Sadek, President of the Center for Human rights and National Unity, and Mustafa Bakri, editor-in-chief of Al-Osboa newspaper, Sadek had said that the Egyptian government is a racist government and should be...
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