Displaying 171 - 180 of 220.
There are many examples to prove that Copts have minimal or absent share in the posts of governors, ministers, heads of state banks, state university presidents, as well as leading posts in the military and the police. All in all, it can be said that Copts occupy no more than zero to one per cent...
The followers of Max Michael Hannā have been increasing as his church in al-Muqattam, Saint Athanasius, allows 100,000 divorced Copts another chance after the Orthodox Church downsized the 10 reasons of divorce to fornication.
A direct political dialogue with moderate Islamist movements could help to dampen the threat of the jihadi groups. Such is the conclusion of a report recently carried out by a group of American experts. The authors of the document add that the American administration should start to establish...
Prof. Dr. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi joined the board of advisors of the RNSAW/AWR from the first day it started in 1997. He has been extremely helpful in explaining Islamic subjects and making it possible to meet with the Sheikh al-Azhar, the Minister of Awqaf and numerous Muslim scholars. He is both a...
The board of the Foreign Press Association in Egypt sent the following email titled “The Foreign Press Association in Egypt is independent and will remain independent” to all its members: The articles published in Al-Usbua on March 15 and Sawt Al-Umma on March 22 included false claims made by Mr....
Minister of awqaf [religious endowments], Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, announced that the Ministry’s plan to send Islamic caravans touring world capitals to correct the mistaken image of Islam will start on June 6th. The delegation includes six Islamic scholars known to have the knowledge and the...
We regret we have to inform you that the Council of State has again postponed a decision about our request for NGO status. The next hearing has been scheduled for October 9, 2005.
A crisis has broken out between the Nasserites and the Muslims Brotherhood in the Journalists’ Syndicate. Two Brotherhood members made an agreement with Internews to organize a training program in Hurgada, which would also be funded by Internews. The members carried out the agreement without...
The terrorist attacks that took place in Mizza in Damascus last week are the first to take place in Syria in a long time. These attacks raised many possibilities about who the perpetrators might be. Many analysts have linked the bombings with the situation in Iraq and Palestine and the feelings of...
The ongoing process of obtaining NGO status. Dr. Meinardus visits Cairo and recommends writing a book for the understanding of contemporary concepts of martyrdom and persecution in the Coptic Orthodox Church. Dutch businessman Frans Derksen of Fayoum Oases development consulted AWR for advice when...


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