Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rāniyā al-Mashāṭ said that Egypt has taken several steps to become a leader in transitioning to a green economy.  The government has adopted an ambitious strategy for sustainable energy, which includes 691 environmentally friendly projects in the new and...
Dr. Rāniyyā al-Mashāṭ, Minister of International Cooperation, sought an economic cooperation strategy between Egypt and the United States for the upcoming five-year period (2021-2025) in a virtual meeting with Leslie Reed, Mission Director of the USAID delegation.
Yesterday, Egyptian PM Muṣṭafā Madbūlī began his visit to Beirut, where he will head the Egyptian delegation to the 9th session of the Egyptian-Lebanese Higher Committee.The delegation includes the Minister of Electricity and Energy, the Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, the...
Dr. ʿĀṭif ʿAbd al-Laṭīf, head of the Travelers Association for Tourism and Art and one of the organizer of the St. Catherine World Peace Forum dubbed ‘Here we pray together’ revealed the details of the forum’s program and its accompanying events. In his press statement on Monday, ʿAbd al-Laṭīf...
The new Egyptian NGO law was widely criticized in different media and as a consequence we received questions about the status of the Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) in relation to the new law. The following constitutes Dr. Hulsman's response. 
  The Minister for International Planning has announced that the Ministry of Justice has formed a fact-finding commission to look into finance and investiment from Arab countries into Egypt for a total of 180 million LE. They discovered unknown funds in Egypt from abroad, and revealed that the...
The article provides an overview of the quota assigned to women in Egypt’s People’s Assembly, and a brief history of women’s participation in the political scene in the country.
A National Center for Translation will be established by presidential decree, consisting of a chairman, members of Egyptian and foreign organizations and governmental ministers.
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