Date of source: Monday, February 8, 1999
The Ministry of Justice is now studying the unified law of the Christian churches in order to introduce it to the People’s Assembly.
Date of source: Tuesday, February 2, 1999
After well over 20 years of trials to issue a unified Personal Status Law for all Christian churches in Egypt, the People’s Assembly will discuss a tentative law if it secures the approval of the Ministry of Justice. Although the majority of Christian churches in Egypt approved the draft law, it...
Date of source: Monday, February 1, 1999
The Personal Status Law is studied nowadays by Al- Azhar and the Ministry of Justice prior to approving it. Afterwards, this law will be sent to Parliament for its approval.
Date of source: Friday, January 15, 1999
An interview with the Minister of Interior about the security situation; releasing fundamentalist detainees, fighting terrorism, the minister’s refusal to meet with the Muslims Brothers, the branch of the F. B. I. in Cairo, Egypt’s attitude to Britain’s refusal to extradite terrorists.
Date of source: Monday, November 2, 1998
The article calls Coptic human rights lawyer Maurice Sadek a source of lies and gives several examples.
Date of source: Friday, October 9, 1998
Arguments are given against orfi marriage from an Islamic point of view.
Date of source: Sunday, June 21, 2009
Decree no. 5755/2009 is issued, stipulating that the name of the village of Deir Abu-Hinnis will remain unchanged.