Displaying 831 - 840 of 3269.
On March 28, 2013 Fox News broadcast an incendiary video report entitled, ‘US Silent as Christians are Persecuted in Egypt?’ It is understood that media relies on a level of sensationalism in order to attract the viewer or reader to a story. Yet this report moves beyond sensationalism to distortion...
On February 20, 2013, Cornelis Hulsman, Diana Serodio, and Jayson Casper met with George Masīḥah to gain his perspective for an upcoming book Arab West Report will write on the crafting of the Egyptian constitution. Masīḥah is a member of al-Wafd Party and was added to the Constituent Assembly as a...
Al-Shaykh Hassan Al-Bannā was eager to make himself and the Muslim Brotherhood appear as if they were living on good terms with religious minorities in Egypt. The group tries to confirm that by recalling the attendance of Makram ‘Ubayd at the funeral of Hassan al-Bannā in 1949 to demonstrate the...
Transcript of an interview with Dr. Essam Al-Haddad on government efforts to stabilize the country since this is a pre-requisite to get Egypt out of its current economic difficulties. Thus questions addressed much repeated critiques on the Mursī administration.
As a minority within a state dominated by Muslims, Coptic Christians are regularly pictured in Western media as “the oppressed community”. Although a certain degree of discrimination is practiced against Egyptian Christians in their country, Arab-West Report has found that reports on cases when...
Egypt is not Lebanon. Though the political transition leads increasingly to polarization and bouts of violence, almost no one seriously warns of a fate resembling Lebanon in the 1970-80s. Lebanon is a conglomeration of religious sects concentrated in distinct geographical areas and topographical...
On February 4 the International Crisis Group presented a Conflict Alert about Egypt. The analysis is good but yet some comments can and should be made:ICG:It is difficult to know which is most dangerous: the serious uptick in street violence; President Morsi’s and the Muslim Brotherhood’s serial...
The website EgyptSource, run by the Atlantic Council, recently invited me to publish two articles on the Salafi movement. Excerpts and brief commentary are provided below, along with the links to explore the full articles on their site.
The popular image of Salafī Muslims in Egypt is of a lower-class, older generation, perhaps limited in educational achievement. This is not their fault, many might patronizingly sympathize, as President Mubarak is blamed for letting the school system rot to keep the population ignorant, poor, and...
Meeting Senior Pastor Radi A. Iskanderat his office behind his church, the Evangelical church of Atarine.Alexandria, 22 January. As turmoil in Egypt continues and the situation in Suez and Cairo as well as Alexandria hardens, dialogue seems a distant possibility. In his office, in the building...


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