Date of source: Wednesday, August 11, 2004
In a seminar organized by the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, Copts talked about their human rights grievances. Many prejudices against Copts have recently come to the surface as seen in the events at Al-Kosheh village in Upper Egypt a couple of years ago. The incident in Upper Egypt showed...
Date of source: Thursday, August 26, 2004
Copts are used to join Egyptian political circles, whether in the government or the parliament, through appointments [not through elections]. There are many reasons that led to this situation. There are three Coptic families monopolizing political positions offered to Copts; two of them, the Ebeids...
Date of source: Tuesday, July 20, 2004
American sources revealed that the Commission on Religious Freedom visiting Egypt currently, received a complaint from an Egyptian group calling itself “Egyptian Qur’aniyeen." This group demands that the Prophetic Hadiths be abolished and no longer taught in schools. A member of the committee, who...
Date of source: Sunday, June 12, 2005
Bahīy al-Dīn Hasan, the Director of the Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies comments on the annual report that was released by the National Council for Human Right which has mentioned that Egypt was used as the CIA’s Mecca to torture prisoners and extort information before sending them either to...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 31, 2005
In a patriotic, courageous initiative, MP Mohamed Gweily, head of the Complaint and Suggestions Committee of the People’s Assembly, proposed a unified draft law to govern the building, restoration, renovation, an maintenance of all places of worship in Egypt- Muslim, Christian, or Jewish. The draft...
Date of source: Friday, May 27, 2005
Ahmad Kamāl Abu al-Majd, deputy chairman of the National Council for Human Rights and former minister of information said in an interview that the reality of our Muslim nation is degrading due to the split, confusion and failure to show the true image of Islam to the outside world.
Date of source: Thursday, May 19, 2005
The Ministry of Social Affairs is considering accepting the first Arab organization to defend Islam and attempt to understand and communicate with the other. It is called “The Center for Arab West Understanding.” It is established by a wide array of Muslim and Coptic thinkers and some Western...
Date of source: Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Though some civil society organizations criticized the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) and accused it of being a decoration and a beautification of the regime in the eyes of American politics, they started to rethink their position after the issuance of its first annual report.
Date of source: Sunday, March 14, 2004
The article is an interview with the wife of Aboud Al-Zomor, Wehda, about Sheikh Aboud and Tareq Al-Zomor’s suspended release and their attitudes towards the cease-violence initiative.
Date of source: Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Reuters reported that on February 24 a representative from the church of Canterbury , Andrew White, played a central role in bridging the gap between Sunna and Shiites leaders and their relation to the coalition forces. I felt sadness because our institutions did not do their duty. I am not blaming...