Displaying 1 - 10 of 129.
A legislator stated that the Egyptian constitution highlights women’s rights in more than 20 articles, noting that the law has tightened penalties for crimes such as female genital mutilation (FGM), sexual harassment, and other offenses against women. “The new Personal Status Law will not be biased...
On Saturday, October 12, a workshop with the title ‘Religious Leaders and a New Beginning for Building Humans’ was launched as part of a presidential initiative on human development under the sponsorship of the National Council for Women (NCW). At the workshop, participants talked about the goals,...
President of the National Council for Women, Dr. Māyā Morsī, participated in the Egyptian Family Celebration organized by the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate under the leadership of Pope Tawāḍrūs, which carried the slogan “Family Health = Community Health.”  
Monṣif Sulaymān, the Coptic Orthodox Church’s legal advisor and a member of the House of Representatives’ Religious Affairs Committee, anticipates the official promulgation of the personal status law for Copts in June, pending the completion of the Justice Ministry’s review.
The National Council for Women (NCW) confirmed that the rate of female circumcision in Egypt has plummeted thanks to growing awareness that the practice is a crime and has nothing to do with religion or medicine. They added that credit for this goes to the state, the NCW, and the National Council...
The Papal Office for Projects organized a celebration to honor Egyptian women and recognize the integral role that they play in society. The event was organized in partnership with the National Council for Women and was inaugurated by Pope Tawāḍrūs II of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The celebrations...
The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) released a report that revealed state efforts to protect Egyptian women from female genital mutilation (FGM).
Dr. Maya Morsī, President of the National Council for Women, said that the national initiative for smart green projects is a pioneering effort in urgent areas, as it seeks to achieve sustainable development goals and address climate change. In her speech, Dr. Morsī emphasized that Egyptian women...
The National Council for Women (NCW) in cooperation with the UNFPA open new four Safe Women’s clinics at the Minyā, Banī Suwayf, Banhā and 6th of October University Hospitals.
The call by shaykh of al-Azhar, Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, to revive "the right of toil and pursuit" fatwa to preserve the rights of working women has sparked wide reactions, from women's rights organizations in Egypt. These organizations have called for the housewife, who has worked to develop her husband's...


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