Displaying 11 - 20 of 30.
Jerry Falwell’s appearance in a 60 Minutes broadcast sparked international Islamic protest, political fallout, and a fatwa calling for his death. The article contains interviews with Islamic experts, Christian theologians, and observers to summarize the event and put it into perspective.
Asharq al-Awsat revealed that the American consul visited Ibrahim in the prison’s hospital and relieved his worry. He promised Ibrahim that the American embassy would take care of his case in his capacity as an American citizen. al-Musawwar and al-Ah...
Majdī Khalīl discusses the forced disappearance of Coptic girls. The claims around this phenomenon are not new, however it is being announced more frequently. Khalīl discusses the reasons why Coptic families are more often daring to announce the disappearance of their girls, and the reasons behind...
Views of Muslim scholars differ over whether to accept the so-called "apology" of Pope Benedict for the remarks he made about Islam a few weeks ago. Nearly 38 Muslim scholars and leaders sent a letter to the pope to indicate their appreciation of the pope’s expression of regret and his affirmation...
This article discusses the sequestration of foreign newspapers in Egypt, in the light of the decision to ban three foreign newspapers accused of offending Islam.
(2) The pope working on the issue of equality between Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary!(3) A large campaign to win a public approval ... sectarian disputes yet to come (4) America asks why the Virgin Mary is so loved, so sacred, and so influential?(5) Four hundred appearances of the Virgin Mary...
Subtitle:In the 1970s Muslims used machine guns. Now extremists use courts and cases.Algeria cancelled the 1992 elections, which the Muslims dominated, yet it suffered more by cancelling them.The problem in Turkey is the extremism of the secularists.Kamal Attaturk banned Turks from travelling to...
A discussion about he Arab world and democracy took place between two important political intellectuals belonging to the Republican Party. The first one is Farid Zakariya, who belongs to the realism movement, and who is the Editor-in-Chief of Newsweek. The second one is Robert Kegan, an...
The article is an analysis of the anti-Islam statement given by the head of the Pentagon intelligence General William Boykin. The author states that similar anti-Islam statements were delivered by American politicians, pastors, writers and senators, which increases hostility to the United States by...
The American magazine Newsweek continues the anti-Islamic campaign launched by the West and Zionism. It has recently published an article of an anonymous writer, allegedly Christoph Luxenberg, under the title “Defying the Qur´an.” The author of this article claimed that the Qur´an was...


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