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According to the author, Muslim communities in The Netherlands struggle to integrate into their adopted home while still maintaining their own religious identity.
The Dutch parliament is due to examine a number of subjects regarding education, including Muslim schools and their impact on society. It is expected that discussions over education will bring hot disagreements among different Dutch parties, particularly over the issue of Islamic schools.
Ahmad Shaheen interviewed former member of the Dutch parliament Judith Belinfante. She is leading an alliance for the sake of peace, including Palestinians and Muslims. Dutch parliament member Zsolt Zabo? represents the VVD and is from Hungarian origin. The MP with two nationalities beliefs...
Like an ice ball, sectarian sedition feeds on all it encounters en route, thus growing larger and more threatening to national unity in Egypt, read a feature by Al-Arabi! A few days back, sectarian sedition flames came to the surface in Assiut with one of the National Democratic Party NDP leaders...
Some members of the Dutch parliament asked the Ministry of Public Security to close some Islamic schools in the Netherlands. They claim that these schools do not respect the Dutch laws. The ministry decided to close these schools if they prove unable to integrate within Dutch society.
Dutch Prime Minister, Jan Peter Balkenende has harshly criticized some members of opposition parties for linking Islam to crime during their electoral propaganda.
Muslim communities in the West are duty bound to abide by the laws of the countries they live in, Deputy Head of the Azhar’s Permanent Committee for Dialogue, Dr. ‘Alī al-Simmān told al-Ahrām.
The Dutch government approved a proposal by Immigration and Integration Minister Rita Verdonk to deport convicted immigrants from the Netherlands to their countries of origin.
The assassination of Theo van Gogh resulted in a debate in Dutch media about the limits of the freedom of expression. Van Gogh himself specialized in offensive language against religion; his words were deliberately calculated to hurt people. Others, found van Gogh had gone too far, misused the...
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