Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
As part of an attempt to improve its image in the eyes of the Arab world, the US publishes a new magazine called “Hi” directed at Arab youth. Radio channel “Sawa [together]” is another attempt in the same direction.
In Al-‘Ālam al-Ān (the world now), a program broadcast on the American Radio Sawa, General Coordinator of the Egyptian Movement for Change-otherwise known as Kifāya [enough], George Ishāq, has rejected the calls of leader of the Washington-based US Coptic Association (USCA), Michael Munīr, to hold...
It is not acceptable that setting up a radio station like Radio Sawa or a TV channel like al-Hurra would offer good indications for keenness on having this dialogue.
Recent U.S. statements have described some Arab leaders as lacking in political adeptness and described others as failing to make required political and economic growth in their countries, while at the same time, the U.S. is allying with Islamists.
A summary of articles about a controversial document attributed to the Muslim Brotherhood, which bodes no good for the future of the Copts in Egypt.
Arab ambassadors to Denmark delivered a letter of protest to Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen condemning 12 drawings of the Prophet Muhammad published few days ago by a Danish daily.
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