Displaying 131 - 140 of 184.
The Islamic conquest of Egypt saved Egypt’s Eastern Christianity from the oppression of Western Christianity, embodied in the colonial Byzantine Empire. The Islamic conquest of Egypt came as an attempt to liberate Egypt and saving Eastern Christianity from being annihilated by Western Christianity.
The religious question resurfaced in the intellectual and political processes in Europe in the last period. The religious question is inevitable in two situations: in the system of religious symbols in public schools and in references to religion in the new forthcoming European constitution....
Because the film “Baheb Al-Sima” [I Love Cinema] is about a Coptic family, the authorities wanted to have the Coptic Church’s opinion on the film. This is very strange and dangerous. It is unusual to submit artistic creativity to the authority of the church. The Egyptian church has never practiced...
Since the release of the document by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) concerning Christian relationships with other religions, the Vatican and Protestant churches have been seeking to override the negative heritage of historical conflicts between Islam and Christianity. Protestant churches...
Father Henk van Ruijven (68), a good personal friend of mine, suddenly passed away. Henk had dedicated his live to Egypt and was a bridge builder who will be deeply missed.
The author explains the misunderstanding of the concept of “secularism." in Islamic and Arab societies; secularism is presented as a call for atheism and apostasy. Based on this misunderstanding, some launched an attack on France because the country has banned religious symbols in public schools...
The article discusses the subject of Gnostic Christianity or sacred knowledge in Christianity. The author associates between the faith of Ikhnaton, ancient Egyptian pharaoh and Gnostic Christianity.
Mel Gibson’s film “Passion” triggered debate and renewed the Jewish propaganda campaigns against him. Pope John Paul II approved and admired the film. Israeli newspaper Haaretz criticized the pope for such opinion. The Pope’s confirmation that he approved the movie means ending the relationship...
Jesus Christ established by His birth the civilization of love, tolerance and human rights. On the day of the birth of Jesus Christ, angels praised God saying, "Glory be to God in the highest. On earth peace and good will toward men." From this we can understand that Jesus Christ established His...
Muslims and Christian mulids are celebrated in a similar way and are an expression of their happiness. Muslims are affected by the Christian celebrations and the celebrations of both of them carry Pharaonic features. All Egyptians celebrate the mulids of Sayeda Zeinab [Muslim], Al-Hussein [Muslim...


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