Date of source: Sunday, March 11, 2001
The author thanked President Mubarak for his decision concerning the services building of the Church of Soubra Al-Kheima. He said that Mubarak did not hesitate to grant approval for any application filed with him in this respect. The real problem lies in the long, tedious and humiliating journey...
Date of source: Friday, February 16, 2001
The Freedom House translated a letter Bishop Wissa of Al-Belyana about the attack on four Christians homes in Al-Kosheh.
Date of source: Wednesday, August 16, 2000
In his book "The Risk in the Deal Between the Government and the Groups of Violence", Abdel Rahim, a journalist for Al-Ahali, speaks about the confrontation between the government and the groups of violence and the deal between them. The book speaks about the "initiative of the Jihad organization"...
Date of source: Tuesday, June 27, 2000
The last message of sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, Mufti of the Gama’at Al-Islamya, can only be named a failed attempt to threaten the authorities which still refuse to debate with the groups of violence and terrorism. Al-Midan interviewed Montasser al-Zayyat, the attorney of the Gama’at Al-Islamya to...
Date of source: Saturday, June 24, 2000
For the fourth time the banned Moslem Brothers prepares its candidates for the coming People’s Assembly elections. This time the candidates will be standing as individuals and not as part of a list in coalition with other parties, as in previous elections.
Date of source: Sunday, May 21, 2000
The file of the churches problems refuses to be closed. Whenever we think that the problems are over, we find there are more problems, in an endless stream of cases. If a presidential decree issued last December has already canceled the necessity to present church repair requests to the governors...
Date of source: Monday, April 17, 2000 to Sunday, April 23, 2000
[in reaction to an article of Al Usboa about The Egyptian Organization For Human Rights] The secretary general of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights defended his decisions and actions after the article, which was published 2 weeks ago in Al-Usboa, about "irregularities inside the...
Date of source: Wednesday, March 8, 2000
A major judicial figure stated that the State Security Investigations Bureau will continue its work on the case of Al-Kosheh for two more months. "The case papers are not complete yet, especially of the papers of the medico-legal officer and those of the criminal laboratory," he told Al-Ahali.
Date of source: Tuesday, March 7, 2000
The defense of the Brotherhood surprised everyone today by calling Milad Hanna, the Coptic thinker, as a defense witness before the court marshal looking into the case of the 20 Brotherhood "syndicate members."
Date of source: Monday, February 28, 2000
"Giving statements requires being logical and fluent, and everything that lacks reason and does not reveal a truth is not a statement, even in signed by a hundred "intellectuals"!!, whether headed or not headed by Said Al-Naggar [Al-Naggar means the carpenter], the blacksmith, or even Said the car-...