Displaying 21 - 30 of 303.
This report is on the formation of the Egyptian Constitution of 2012 and was commissioned by the German organization Missio who translated it into German for publication in Germany.
Differing opinions between Coptic movements and activists over the upcoming parliamentary elections have recently come to light. The official position of the Church is not to interfere in the electoral decisions of Copts, whereas activists and the Coptic Movement are united in calling for a boycott...
[Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman: we received this analysis from a friend of Arab-West Report. It is an interesting analysis but I do not fully agree and made my remarks in the text below.
Doubtlessly, the enactment of the unified law on the construction of houses of worship will help end sectarian tension and uphold the principles of citizenship and promote social peace.
Supreme Administrative Court postponed the verdict to December 24, 2011 on the cases of proving religion on the National ID Cards for re-converters to Christianity‮. The Court issued a verdict before and asked the Ministry of Interior Affairs to change the religion section for re-converters to...
The Administrative Court approved issuing National ID Cards with the Christian religion for the twins (Andrew and Mario Ramsīs). Andrew and Mario's case occupied the public opinion for more than four years when their father converted to Islam in 2000 and demanded that his children follow his...
The Supreme Administrative Court in the Council of State headed by Counselor Majdī al-'Ajātī, ruled in favor of re-converters to Christianity and gave them the right to prove their religion on the national ID card and birth certificate.  The Court will still have to consider another 12 similar...
CAIRO: Egypt’s Supreme Administrative Court ruled on Sunday in favor of Christian reconverts, allowing them to be identified as Christians on their national ID cards and birth certificates.
A number of Coptic citizens who converted back to Christianity filed a report with the Public Prosecutor complaining against each of the Minister of Interior Affairs, and Assistant Minister for Civil Status sector, for not applying the verdict in their favor from the Supreme Administrative Court on...
AWR obtained a paper that was distributed on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 during protests by salafists in front of the Council of State, the Supreme Administrative court, demanding the release of Kāmīliyā Shihātah, a Christian woman who reportedly converted to Islam and was detained inside a church. [...


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