Displaying 21 - 30 of 31.
According to the report of the Human Rights Watch on Egypt, the government of President Hosni Mubarak intensified its efforts to exercise control over civil society institutions, harassing and restricting the activities of political parties, human rights and other nongovernmental organizations (...
The article explains how cases come to trial in Egypt. It also gives an idea about the Criminal Court Systems and Criminal Law in The State Security Courts. The administration of criminal law is more complicated than the administration of civil or administrative law. If the Niyaba [prosecution]...
Last Sunday, the military court was surprised when those present heard the police officer who is one of the witnesses of Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen case announcing that his [information] source was one of the twenty defendants. The case was postponed for a week to unveil the identity of the source and...
The government referred 20 suspected members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to military prosecutors on Monday, nearly two weeks after they were arrested in the biggest crackdown on the group in four years. The accused are charged with "disseminating the ideas of the banned group, endangering...
A British court this week ruled in favor of three London-based Islamists, turning down a police request to question them in connection with suspected involvement in terrorism. The suspects include two Egyptians who are leaders of Ansar El-Shari’a, "Upholders of Islamic Law." They are Mustafa Kamel...
The US has officially charged Ayman El-Zawahri, leader of the underground Jihad group, and his aide, Khaled El-Fawwaz, with involvement in the twin bombings of its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania last August. El-Zawahri is believed to reside in Afghanistan while El-Fawwaz is under arrest in...
The Supreme Military Court wrote the final chapter last Thursday in a mysterious saga involving suspected members of the country’s largest militant organization, Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiya. Twenty-one defendants had been charged with planning to revive the group’s activities in the Mediterranean city of...
The Supreme Military Court handed down its verdicts in lawsuit number 3 for 1999, dubbed as the Revival of Gamaa Al-Islamiyya Organization case in Alexandria. The Court passed life imprisonment sentences with hard labor against 4 defendants, 15 years imprisonment with hard labor against 8, ten...
Of the 107 defendants tried at the Hike Step military camp, 78 were given prison sentences, 11 of whom were condemned for life. Twenty were acquitted. The remaining 9 were sentenced to death in absentia.
State repression of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement has increased considerably in recent years, according to a report released by the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights (EOHR) on January 12.


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