Displaying 71 - 80 of 88.
The author believes that this crisis was engineered as a way for outside bodies to become involved in Egypt’s internal affairs. He questions the aims behind publishing the article and the timing. He claims it was not an attack on Copts but on the whole of Egypt and national unity.
The Journalists’ Syndicate executive board decided to expel both Mamdouh Mahran Abdel-Latif, editor-in-chief of Al-Nabaa and Akher Khabar, and Hatem Mamdouh Mahran, editor of the same papers. The syndicate’s board had already received complaints about the unprofessional attitude of Al-Nabaa’s...
The Supreme Council for the Press started a lawsuit to ban Al-Nabaa. The council condemned publication of improper photographs and threatening society’s values. Some council members expressed their conviction that freedom of the press must be responsible. Mamdouh Mahran testified that he was the...
Christians came flooding to the cathedral following the publication of an article in Al-Nabaa newspaper. They were searching for a personal answer concerning the church’s response to what was written. The article was about an ousted monk and his sexual adventures in the monastery. The heated...
Some members of the Islamic bloc are asking questions about the Ministry of the Interior, the head of the Supreme Council of the Press and the head of the Shura Council’s failure to execute court judgments in the case of Al-Shaab newspaper. The deputy general secretary of the Labor Party said that...
Finally, the Committee of Press Affairs agreed to the request of Watani Company for Publishing and Printing to issue "Watani" newspaper. This great achievement is dedicated to the late Mr. Antoun Sidhom, the founder of Watani, to everyone in Watani’s staff and to all its readers. Many changes in...
After a long introduction about the difficulties Watani encountered to obtain its registration license, Youssef Sidhom, in a bitter and defying tone, wondered why Watani was not among the three papers the Supreme Council of press agreed to issue.
The Committee of Press and Journalist Affairs of the Supreme Press Council agreed to issue three licenses; two new party-newspapers and a third independent paper.
After the crisis around Haider’s novel "A Banquet for Seaweed" developed fast, the fire also spread inside the Labor Party itself. The bomb exploded in the hand that carried it. Internal conflicts sparked in the party including the conflict over its presidency.
A recent article issued by a cultural magazine made Father Morqos Aziz Khalil, priest of the Hanging Church sent a protest to the Supreme Council for Journalism, because, he said, the article attacked Christians and Christianity in a very offensive and humiliating way.


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