Displaying 151 - 160 of 237.
Many reporters, especially those working outside Cairo, have turned into salesmen of advertorials (paid advertisements) and propagators of governors’ achievements, in violation of all professional ethics. The Journalists’ Syndicate and the Supreme Council of Press are no longer able to protect the...
My meeting with Frances Fragos Townsend, the Assistant to the US President and Homeland Security Advisor, was to discuss bilateral cooperation between Egypt and the US in several fields and means and mechanisms to stand up against the phenomenon of terrorism, said Minister of Interior Habīb al-‘...
Any neutral observer of official institutions – political, religious, educational or health – would easily discover a schizophrenic Egyptian character coupled with an absence of conscience.
Journalists are not above the law. They should be subject to the jurisdiction of the code of conduct. Dr. Shawqī al-Sayyid views the journalists’ menace as an unacceptable catastrophe.
Some political trends in Egypt misunderstood some signs, and thought that the US is seeking a change of regime in Egypt, and thus decided to work accordingly.
A new crisis almost begun in the Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate when a Brotherhood member accused Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour, Deputy Head of the Wafd opposition party, of being the mouthpiece of the government. This took place during a seminar on political reform in Egypt held in the Journalists’...
Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami continued its campaign against Egyptian intellectuals, accusing them of being apostates and unbelievers. The newspaper is giving its attacks an Islamic slant. Iqbal Barak, a writer, said she feels saddened that such a newspaper [Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami] is published by the National...
The Minister of Interior said that the “mistake of the Syndicate of Journalists” is that they allowed the supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood to rent a hall [at the syndicate headquarters]. The minister’s words show the mistake he himself fell into. These statements by the minister reveal that...
Announcing the establishment of the Islamic Caliphate last Wednesday did not cost more than the LE2500 to rent a hall at the Journalists’ Syndicate--including the podium, the seats, the microphone and the writers who covered the event [the author here is writing ironically because the supreme guide...
The head of Journalists’ Syndicate, Galal Aref, confirmed to Al-Arabi that the syndicate would not allow anyone to change it into a battlefield for partisan fights. He said that the syndicate is independent and is keen on defending national causes. He responded to the Minister of Interior, who said...


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