Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Following a recent controversy surrounding the announcement by prominent Egyptian intellectuals of the establishment of the Takwīn foundation, an organisation which aims to promote “enlightened religious thinking” and “intellectual reform,” social media pages shared a video claiming to feature...
A lawsuit against the Takwīn center’s board of trustees was launched by attorney and former president of al-Zamālik sports club Murtaḍā Manṣūr. On Sunday, June 9, the State Council’s Court of Administrative Justice decided to postpone the case.  
Posts on social media regarding Islamic rulings on drinking alcohol have spread during the past few hours, sparked by a bottle of beer that appeared in a photo during the conference of Takwīn foundation.
Dr. Saʿad al-Dīn al-Hilālī, a professor of jurisprudence (fiqh) at al-Azhar University, stated that the debates about the Sunna (the traditions of the Prophet Muḥammad) or the Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī collection of ḥadīths, are being used as propaganda tools rather than topics of genuine discussions aimed...
Anbā Ermiā, Head of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center (COCC), announced solidarity with the statement by Dr. Osāma al-Azharī, the president’s advisor for religious affairs, regarding the controversial Takwīn foundation.
Dr. Osāma al-Azharī, the president’s advisor for religious affairs, said it was causing him and other pious Muslims significant discomfort to hear calls for recognizing only the Holy Qurʾān and denying the Sunnah, which is an established precept of Islam.
Writer and intellectual Yūsuf Zīdān announced that he has accepted an invitation to debate with Shaykh Osāma al-Azharī, a renowned scholar of al-Azhar and the president’s religious advisor.
Talk show host ʿAmr Adīb said that he would arrange a debate between researcher Islām al-Buḥayrī, one of the founding members of the Arab Intellect Taqueen (Takwīn), and Islamic preacher ʿAbullah Rushdī, to discuss the ideas of the foundation that has recently been sparking controversy.
Writer Yūsuf Zīdān commented on the recent controversy surrounding the Takwīn Foundation, which launched its annual conference on Saturday (May 4).
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