Displaying 21 - 30 of 52.
The Muslim Brotherhood and other representatives of political forces filed 20 appeals to the supreme administrative court and the supreme constitutional court to null the current parliament.   Subhī Sālih an MB says that they back their appeal with article 87 in the constitution that states: “The...
Pope Shenouda III’s lawyer, Ramses al-Najjār, denied the Church’s alleged disapproval of the Supreme Administrative Court’s ruling in favor of Hānī Wasfī, obliging the Pope to issue permits for Copts to remarry. He explained that although the Supreme Administrative Court turned down the writ...
Egypt’s Administrative Court has upheld a previous ruling requiring that the Coptic Orthodox Church issue remarriage licenses for divorcees. Presiding judge Kamāl Lam‘ī rejected the two appeals because he says they failed to provide any convincing reason to overturn the prior ruling, which was...
This article defends the Church against attacks it faced after it declared its refusal to implement the court decision giving permission for divorcees to remarry.
Councilor Ahmed Shams has been responsible for some of the most significant rulings throughout the last 40 years in which he has been a member of the judiciary. The most recent of these ruling is Copts' right to second marriage, a matter with which Pope Shenouda III refuses to comply. Key Words:...
Legal bodies question Muslim women’s rights to wear the niqāb during university exams. 
This article outlines the difficulties faced by two brothers raised as Christians, but with a Muslim father. The boys’ mother helps them with a lawsuit to keep their religion, but it seems they will be forced to convert to Islam.
This article deals with the two Christian boys who desire to keep their Christian religious beliefs, although their father has converted to Islam.
The Administrative Court rejects a lawsuit filed by Mario and Andrew’s mother against the minister of the interior and the head of the Department of Civil Affairs.
Al-Dustūr interviews Dr. ‘Abd al-Sabūr Shāhīn who talks about the truth behind accusing Dr. Nasr Abū Zayd of apostasy.


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