Displaying 11 - 20 of 20.
A number of Coptic movements, most prominent among them the Middle Eastern Forum for Freedom (Muntadá al-Sharq al’Awsat li-l-Hurriyyāt) and Democratic Egyptian Solidarity (al-Tadāmun al-Misrī al-Dīmuqrātī) have protested outside the embassy of the Vatican, demanding Pope Francis and the Security...
U.S. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama expressed sadness over the death of Pope Shenouda and described him as a prominent advocate of religious tolerance and dialogue. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also offered condolences to Egyptians over the demise of the pope,...
[Editor AWR: Both Cardinal Patriarch Antonius Naguib (Cardinal of Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt) and AWR editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman were asked to give presentations about the place of Christians in Egypt today on occasion of "The Parlamentarischer Abend" (informal evening meeting of...
During Obama’s meeting with President Mubarak, Copts protested the situation of Christians in Egypt. Demonstrators held banners with slogans such as "Mubarak: Make peace at home first…No more gross injustice towards Copts" and "Stop forcing Coptic girls into Islam". Some believe that Mubarak was...
Mai Magdy is an Egyptian English language trainee working in our office. She is a graduate from Cairo University in the field of media communications. In taking advantage of her skills in the course of providing her opportunity to learn English writing skills and research patterns we asked her to...
Egypt welcomed news of President Obama’s expected visit to Egypt in June. The Azhar and the muftī of Egypt hailed Obama’s choice of Egypt and welcomed the visit and the expected discourse as a promising sign of improving relations between the U.S administration and Muslim countries.
This article discusses the fluctuating two faced relationship between the church and expatriate Copts. Although the church seeks to strengthen the role played by expatriate Copts abroad, it, at the same time, puts on the mask of being the calming force between the state and expatriate Copts in...
Hānī Samīr comments on Coptic protests in the West, pointing to a protest in Vienna, Austria, in particular.
Magdy Malak reflects on the scope and power of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and bemoans the lack of any real opposition parties that are able to compete with the ruling National Democratic Party.
Hulsman argues that there are social problems in Egypt but not persecution and that if the proposals for a law promoting religious freedom worldwide becomes law they could lead to polarization between Muslims and Christians in Egyptian society. He gives examples of stories which have been...


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