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Despite the public positions of the Egyptian State which completely opposes reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, meetings have been held in prisons most likely to formulate a new deal between the group and the State to change the approach of the relations that has always been characterized...
A prisoner at Tora Prison died Thursday, due to what opposition blocs referred to as medical neglect by prison officials in providing necessary care.
The autobiography of a former Muslim Brotherhood member has been banned by the Islamic Research Academy. However critics expected that it would be heralded by scholars as a warning against fundamentalism.
The Administrative Court affiliated with the State Council is examining today a complaint filed by Aboud Al-Zomor, former leader of Al-Jihad group, against the Ministry of Interior and Prisons Authority. Al-Zomor demands his release as he has completed served his penalty.
Aboud Al-Zumor, one of the imprisoned leaders of the Gama´at Al-Islamiya, denied that he objected to the peaceful tendencies of his group. He assured that he is in favor of the initiative to denounce violence, which he declared with the historical leaders of the Gama´at Al-Islamiya five years ago.
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