Displaying 1 - 6 of 6.
Mahmūd Lūṭfi ʿAmer, a former Salafi Preacher, explained that his fatwa for the demolition of the Conservatory had been misunderstood and put out of context.
News is almost never as it appears.  On December 1st I went with investigative researcher and former lieutenant with the Egyptian coastal security Intelligence Rā’id al-Sharqāwī to Tahrīr square.  The square is currently blocked for traffic by perhaps 2,000 demonstrators asking people wanting to...
Thousands of Copts from Maghāghah and al-Adawa in Minia, Upper Egypt, staged a sit-in at the bishopric grounds in Maghāghah last Monday to protest what they saw as unjust, humiliating treatment at the hands of Minia governor Ahmad Dīyā’ al-Dīn. Heading the protest was Bishop Aghathoun, Bishop of...
More details were published about the recent incidents against Bahā’īs in al-Shūrānīyah village. Bahā’īs are eager to proclaim their religious rights, and the media seem to be keeping the issue in the spotlight.
The article discusses the recent charter that Arab Information Ministers agreed upon during a meeting in Cairo on February 12. Many commentators believe that it is just another way for the government to impose restrictions on freedom of speech.
A recent TV program on the Egyptian satellite channel Dream 2 has kept me glued to the screen, as it discussed a very controversial issue: Coptic divorce.
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