Displaying 1 - 10 of 67.
In their statements to RT, Egyptian analysts expressed their evaluation for the departure of U.S troops from Afghanistan and its significance amid the rapid territorial gains made by the Taliban movement [Ṭālibān] in the country.
The Coptic Orthodox Church and the Evangelical Community, represented in, Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, and Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī, the President of the Evangelical Community in Egypt, mourn with great sadness the martyrs of the homeland who died in the...
Egyptian churches stressed their solidarity with the Egyptian state, army, and police in the wake of Nabīl Ḥabashī Salāma’s murder.  Ḥabashī was kidnapped by terrorists five months ago in North Sinai, and a video of his execution was recently published on their media platforms. 
The family of Coptic citizen Nabīl Ḥabashī Salāma (62 years old) learned of his death at the hands of the Islamic State (ISIS) after a video of his execution by shooting was published online today.
The Coptic Orthodox Church, headed by Pope Tawāḍrūs II mourned the martyr Nabīl Ḥabashī, who was killed today by terrorist cells affiliated with Dāʿish.
Shaykh Ramaḍān ʿAbd al-Muʿiz in al-Azhar garb sat among some men of the armed forces, telling them about the moderate nature of Islam and exonerating Ibn Taymiyya from the takfiris’ usage of his fatwas [fatwā].  The scene came in episode 20 of the television series “The Choice,” which tells the...
The Grand Mufti of Egypt Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām said that the Muslim Brotherhood and its dependents are merely a tool to divide Egyptians, leading to self-destruction.  He went on to explain that the jurists [al-fuqahāʾ] decided that the rule of political power is a social contract between the people...
In this editorial, the author analyzes the political role al-Azhar has played in the years following the 2011 revolution and how it tried to resolve the political and social crises at the time.  The author then compares the work that al-Azhar did to that of the Muslim Brotherhood and its inability...
American media shed light on al-Sīsī’s words to the Egyptian people during his visit to the cathedral last night for the 2020 Christmas Eve Mass. al-Sīsī thanked the Egyptian people for maintaining national unity and preventing sectarian wars.   
Human rights activist and member of the Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms, Mīnā Thābit, uncovered that the Egyptian national security apparatus demanded a church to remove a marble plaque, commemorating the lives of those lost in front of the Maspero Television building in 2011.  The...


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