Displaying 181 - 190 of 217.
A first for Coptic women (p.3) (Original in English. Not edited by AWR)Watanī interviewed Marguerite Azer, the first Egyptian woman to become the secretary-general of the National Democratic Front party, about her career and views on the political sphere in Egypt.
Has rejected the suggestion that the grand Imām be chosen from the members of the Islamic Research Academy.
With a review of the relevant laws, the author questions why the bill for the law for building places of worship has been held up in parliament so long, even though there is no procedural impediment to the bill.
The NCHR has called for the removal of the religion section in official papers in order to comply with the constitutional principle of citizenship.
Zaynab Radwan, the deputy speaker of the parliament and a professor of Sharī‘ah recentlysubmitted a number of proposals to Parliament. Amongst other things, the proposals called for Bahā’īs’ rights to obtain formal documents and stated that Christian wives of Muslim men should be able to have a...
The author comments on the personal status law for Christians, and questions why it has remained shelved for 30 years.
Sidhom discusses a draft personal status law that the church presented to the Minister of Justice and laments the fact that executive and legislative authorities procrastinate so much when it comes to Christian or Coptic concerns.
The article discusses the flaws in the education system in Egypt. The author believes that concerns about education are divided into two camps; those that are worried about the physical and logistical aspects of the problem and those that are more worried about the educational process. The author...
The article looks at a resolution that was recently passed in the European Parliament concerning Egypt’s human rights record. The resolution has created uproar in many Egyptian milieus.
The author discusses the problem of Coptic feasts clashing with the dates of academic examinations.


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