Displaying 1 - 10 of 28.
The Coptic Museum is organizing a number of lectures on Sunday, July 31 and Tuesday, August 2, entitled "Means of Lighting in Coptic Art and Antiquities".
Dr. Mamdūḥ ʿUthmān, Director General of the Museum of Islamic Art, and JīhānʿĀṭif, Director General of the Coptic Museum, inaugurated the temporary exhibition titled “A lantern, and an oil lamp”. The exhibit was established as part of a cooperation between the two museums.
To celebrate its 112th anniversary the Coptic Museum organizes a temporary archaeological exhibition on the journey of the Holy Family. 
The Coptic Museum is considered one of the oldest and most important Egyptian museums, containing the largest collection of Coptic artifacts in the world. The museum was inaugurated in 1910 by Marcus Simaika Pasha [Marquṣ Sumayka], one of the most prominent Christian figures interested in the...
A large collection of Egyptian artifacts previously held at the Museum of the Bible (MOTB) in Washington, USA, has arrived at Cairo International Airport. The artifacts have been returned as a result of efforts made by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign...
Aḥmad Salīm ʿAwaḍ, a researcher of ancient history, says that the emergence of Egyptian Coptic art, which expresses Egypt’s unique character and is a witness to Christianity’s presence in Egypt for more than 2,000 years, is still alive today.  This is seen in the churches, monasteries, icons, and...
Today, a delegation of Sudanese media professionals visited a region of Old Cairo where Islam, Christianity, and Judaism meet together in one place in order to get to know Egyptian culture and civilization throughout the ages.  The trip came as part of a course called “Sudan without borders”...
In this article historian Mājid Kāmil, Senior Researcher at the Egyptian National Library and Archives, speaks about Dr. Bāhūr Labīb as one of the world leaders in Coptology. Dr. Pahor Labib [Bāhūr Labīb], one of the most famous scholars of Coptic Studies in Egypt and the world, was born on...
This article discusses the third annual Coptic Studies Symposium at the University of Toronto (U of T), and its importance. 
Today, the Coptic museum organised an exhibition titled ‘the Holy Journey’ to commemorate the anniversary of the Holy Family’s arrival to Egypt.


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