Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
The Egyptian businessman Najīb Sāwīris caused controversy on social media after he had made statements regarding the Coronavirus. In a TV interview the CEO of the Orascom Telecom Media said that the economy needs to return to its natural state as quickly as possible and he demanded that workers...
Egyptian business magnate Najīb Sawirus said Copts, who resemble the Red Indians of America, are suffering persecution and discrimination, adding the new government in Egypt has picked only one Christian minister out of 48 Muslim ministers. [Rihāb ‘Abd Illah, al-Yawm al-Sābi’, Nov. 16, p. 1] Read...
Infirād website presents a number of facts about the new administrative capital church, which will be built at the request of President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, during his Christmas mass speech.
 The governor of Al-Fayyum cancels the contract to build 5000 houses for the youth with Orascom Company.  
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