Displaying 31 - 40 of 41.
The author criticizes the occurrences that surround incidents of sectarian strife, and the continued segregation that Copts are subjected to. He states that Watani International will be accepting donations to assist the victims and the family of the victims in the sectarian crisis in Bimhā.
The following article presents the second in a series discussing the “talibanization” of education in Egypt.
A few days ago, the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church decided to excommunicate a former teacher at the Orthodox Seminary, Dr. George Ḥabīb Bibāwī, due to a study in which he accused Pope Shenouda III of abandoning real Orthodox beliefs.
The author comments on the role and achievements of the National Council for Human Rights in Egypt.
The author discusses the appointment of the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights to the position of advisor to the ECOSOC. She doubts the motivations behind this and the legitimacy of the organization.
The authors criticize the United Nation’s failure to properly reform its discredited Human Rights Commission, and call on the U.S. to divert funding to other human rights organizations if the U.N. continues to allow tyrants and dictators into the council.
Coptic human rights lawyer Najīb Jibrā’īl claims that the Egyptian regime is responsible for the internationalization of Copts’ issues.
The article a summary of a lengthy Arabic text Michael Meunier wrote to Father Marcos. He argues that the Copts of Egypt are a minority. Meunier introduced this text on the Copts Daily Digest of June 11 as “my response to those ignorant in Egypt who have no idea what the term means or whom it...
Michael Meunier and Sabri F. Gohara of the US Copts Association attack Father Marcos who had asked the Egyptian public to understand their position. Meunier’s attack aims at destroying Father Marcos’ credibility through presenting his character in the most negative way possible instead of focusing...
European Union (EU) foreign policy commissioner Javier Solana had talks with Egyptian President Husnī Mubārak over ways of protecting religious symbols and beliefs as part of his efforts to defuse the crisis. During his visit to Egypt, the second leg of his tour of Arab and Muslim nations in the...


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