Displaying 11 - 20 of 20.
An attack of Yigal Carmon on the Guardian´s Brian Whitaker. Whitaker, he writes, has simply recycled inaccurate and previously published material.
The conduct and rhetoric of Muslim leaders and their failure to address the stagnation of their societies has fueled the tensions between Islam and the West. Relations between Muslims and the West will continue to deteriorate unless the internal crisis of the Muslim world is also addressed.
Dr. Rafiq Habib is a Coptic intellectual who refused to meet with the American delegation for International Religious Freedom. He believes that the delegation tries to force what they call religious freedom, allowing American missionaries to work in Egypt to convert Muslims and Orthodox Copts to...
Dr. Ahmed Kamal Abul Magd, Dr. Said El-Naggar, Dr. Abdel Moneim Said, Dr. Mohamed El-Gohary - members of the Center’s Board of Trustees - and Dr. Ibrahim Shehata, former deputy chairman of the World Bank, five public figures called by Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, chairman of Ibn Khaldoun Center, were...
Report of the second session of the trial of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim and 27 co-defendants. The defense questioned State Security detective, Officer Nasr Mohieddin, the agent who prepared original accusations against the defendants over several months of last year. According to the report of News...
The beatification mass for Pope John XXIII and Pope Pius IX, led by Pope John Paul II, aroused much debate in Italian circles, among Jews and also in Israel resulting in two demonstrations. One was organized by representatives of aristocratic families in Rome. The other one was organized in memory...
A conference was arranged with Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim to discuss the accusations raised against him. These accusations are still being investigated by the Attorney General’s Office. The discussion turned into a celebration, during which those present welcomed and congratulated the director of the...
The 25 million-member World Council of Young Women’s Christian Association, YWCA, called upon the international community to implement the United Nations’ resolutions, which support the sovereignty of Palestine.
The government is trying nowadays to carry out an insurance project for the foreign tourists to protect them against terrorism.
A long overview of the growth of Islam in the USA.


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