Displaying 221 - 230 of 401.
Father Basilius discusses the history and theological philosophies of Father Mattá al-Maskīn. The interview is mainly focused on theology and the practices of clergymen.
A group of CIDT interns visit the Monastery of Makarios. Majdī Khalīl argues in Watanī al-Dawlī that a lack of widespread knowledge and freedom has resulted in the spread of myths and religious fanaticism. Comment on the problem of youth criticizing the religion of others in chatrooms on the...
The Center for Arab-West Understanding presents its annual report for 2006, highlighting the objectives achieved and the goals for the upcoming year. 2006 was landmarked by growing toward the Center for Arab-West Understanding, and laying the basis for an electronic documentation center.
There are a number of icons that have been taken to the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles and are on display there. The author reminds us that an icon serves as an important window for faith and is more than simply a picture that is used to teach the holy stories.
The newspaper presents a number of cases of errors on government issued identification cards. The article places blame on the Civil Register Authority for these errors and hopes that by publishing the cases that the people involved will obtain the necessary corrections.
Dr. George Ḥabīb Bibāwī was excommunicated from the Coptic Orthodox Church following his latest offense against Pope Shenouda. The study published on the internet and summarized by Rose al-Yūsuf aroused the anger of the Coptic Orthodox Church who held an emergency session of the Holy Synod. The...
A series of articles from the previous week that focus on issues and incidents that pertain to Copts. The topics range from legal critique of the 2nd amendment of the Constitution to discussions about the accessibility of education for minorities.
The article is a review of Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s book entitled, ‘Infidel’ in which she talked about her personal experience as a woman living in an Islamic society.
Majdī Khalīl highlights the absolute importance of the concept of citizenship for Copts, believing that Copts should focus their attention on having their citizenship rights granted to them. He poses a number of suggestions on how to activate the Copts’ role in the Egyptian socio-political spectrum...
Kamāl Zākhir M?s? writes on the trend that has been increasing inside the Coptic Orthodox Church. It is heading toward a clash with enlightened laymen, instead of seeking ways of working together constructively.


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