Displaying 291 - 300 of 401.
The story of a Coptic girl who claims she was kidnapped and asked to convert to Islam.
AWR’s year report shows the tremendous amount of work carried out in 2006. Comment on ‘Coptic Christian Fights Deportation to Egypt, Fearing Torture.’ in New York Times. Report on conversion stories presented on VCD.
This article describes the eighth conference of the St Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society, held at the University of California Los Angeles (U.C.L.A.). The author says that this year’s conference was particularly successful, particularly because of the participation of Coptic youth this year...
This article continues the series by Watani International, tracing the history of how modern-day Egyptians came to be what they are today and marking their origins and the origin of their traditions.
Egyptian newspapers present mixed reactions to Pope Benedict’s "apology" for comments he made earlier this month on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. In light of the already tense atmosphere in the Muslim world, a Berlin opera company canceled Mozart’s ’Idomeneo’ for fear of protest over...
The author discusses internal conflict within institutional churches.
The author reflects on the outrage following the controversial lecture given by Pope Benedict XVI in Germany and more broadly on the way that people respond to religious defamation or vilification.
Subtitles: Demonstration in front of the Egyptian consulate in New York; 16 Copts murdered per minute C.N.N.-TV; Egypt is a place of persecution. See how they treat monkeys and bears in the zoo. Mahmoud Wahba: Jews are using Copts to cover a disaster among them. Rose al- Yūsuf, July 28, is also...
The article gives an Islamic view on the history of the Arab conquering of Christian Egypt. The article ends of views of different leading Muslims on the Hamayouni Law, the law regulating the building of churches.
Michael ‘Ādil looks back on the main events of the year for the Coptic Orthodox Church.


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