Displaying 321 - 330 of 401.
The author advocates for a unified law for building places of worship in Egypt, citing problems in obtaining a license to erecting a house for aged care that was connected to the Holy Virgin Church in Assiut as one situation that would be solved by such a law.
The review deals with the angry Coptic reactions after the medical commission entrusted with examining the Alexandria churches assailant’s mental health said in its report that Mahmūd Salāh al-Dīn ‘Abd al-Rāziq is delusional and schizophrenic and not responsible for his actions.
A new book, The Secrets of Judas: The Story of the Misunderstood Disciple and His Gospel (Harper, San Francisco, 2006) examines the Judas event from biblical, historical and Gnostic perspectives and exposes the recent media hype about the betrayal story as altered in the Gnostic text known as “The...
The Armenian community has had a long presence in Egypt which dates back to the early thirteenth century. In an attempt to escape the persecution of the Ottoman Empire, Armenians left their homes in Aleppo and Jerusalem and sought refuge in a number of countries including Egypt. Metropolitan...
The Evangelical Church in Misr al-Jadīda has planned to screen the movie, ‘The Da Vinci Code,’ and to follow the screening with a panel discussing the contents of the book, upon which the movie was based.
Eulogy in memory of Father Matta El-Meskeen
In memory of Abouna Matta El Meskeen.
Two weeks ago, al-Fajr published a letter sent in by a Bahā’ī reader, who discussed in detail the principles of the Bahā’ī faith. In its issue of June 19, 2006, al-Fajr publishes two more letters sent in by Muslim readers responding to what they described as falsehoods contained in the...
An overview of the Baha’i faith and interview with two practicing Baha’is. They discuss the Baha’is relationship with the authorities and views on women and other religions.
John Watson writes about MECO (Middle East Christian Outreach) and MEET (the Middle East Experience Team) and their work in the Middle East.


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