Displaying 41 - 50 of 401.
An important international congress on the 13th century Andalusian sūfī philosopher Ibn ‘Arabi has just finished in the Egyptian capital. The author also brings the reader’s attention to two articles about the role of the Muslim Brotherhood and an interesting article about freedom of expression in...
There is a common belief in the West that Christians in Muslim countries are discriminated against, or sometimes even persecuted. While discrimination does exist, the situation is usually far more complex, argues Hulsman in this editorial. He also points out that while the Egyptian legal system...
The article discusses the alleged kidnapping of individuals to force them to convert, and focuses on a few individual’s accounts.
‘Amr Bayyūmī reports on different opinions regarding discussing the Egyptian issue of minority rights.
A special committee led by the governor of Minya travels to Abū Fānā in order to draw the borders of the monastery after brutal attacks. The committee departed the area without a conclusion after much debate over conflicting maps. Officials insist the attacks were not a crime but a land dispute and...
The issue of rising sectarian tensions in Egypt is something that must be addressed directly and not shied away from, writes Hulsman in this week’s editorial.
The recent fire at the Church of the Holy Virgin in Sakha may have unfortunately damaged the church building but it also proved to be an example of Muslims and Christians cooperating to solve a problem. Local Muslims and Christians worked together to put out the fire and rescue valuables from...
In this issue’s editorial Drs. Hulsman highlights the complications of the Rosetta church issue as well as discussing the recently released US International Religious Freedom Report, which has provoked widespread reactions in Egypt.
The Egyptian press has reported on Pope Shenouda’s medical trip to the U.S and brought to the surface again speculation about who will succeed the current patriarch.
While the uproar in the wake of the first attack against the Abū Fānā monastery continues, monks were again attacked and stoned by people from the tribal communities. Heated discussions and debates on the issue are still being reported in the media. Muslims accuse the monks of killing a young man...


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