Displaying 1 - 4 of 4.
Public Prosecutor ‘Abd al-Majīd Mahmūd ordered immediate investigations into reports accusing the Dutch ambassador in Cairo of attempting to foment sectarian strife by providing his country with misinformation about the conditions of Copts in Egypt. [‘Umar al-Khūlī, al-Sabāh, Oct. 2, p. 3] Read...
Muhammad Habīb, the Muslim Brotherhood Deputy Guide,spoke to the Turkish newspaper Zaman about the popularity of the group and criticized Mubārak for relying on foreign aid.
The article talks about the current contest between Islamists and secularists of Turkey over a recent constitutional amendment that has aimed at the removal of the ban on wearing the hijāb in universities.
AWR asked our former intern Maria Roeder, a student of media science at the University of Jena in Germany, to summarize a study commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Interior about Austrian media reporting on Muslims and about media from countries with Muslim majorities reporting about...
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