Our CAWU-Learning Center Refugee Choir performs on December 23 in Maadi, Cairo

Sent On: 
Mon, 2020-12-21
Newsletter Number: 

It is highly rewarding to work with refugee youth in our Learning Center. They have worked hard to prepare themselves for two evenings on December 21 and December 23. Click here for the rehearsal last Wednesday: https://youtu.be/a-X5dJCze0I    



Sadly, the December 21 evening in St. Joseph Church in Zamalek had to be canceled because the church has discovered some cases of covid-19 in church. The cases of covid-19 have been increasing worldwide and Egypt is no exception.


Anglican Archbishop Mouneer [Munīr], however, has given the choir permission to perform on Wednesday December 23 in St. John the Baptist Church in Maadi, Cairo, because this will be under the tent besides the church which provides for sufficient ventilation. The space is large enough to keep social distancing between the chairs.



Not only the performance at St. Joseph Church is cancelled but also all services in Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox and Protestant churches have been cancelled. It is thus highly unique that we are allowed to continue with the performance. Rev. Sharon Chalcraft, priest of St. John the Baptist Church, wrote “I will keep this event in my prayers but believe that the Lords hand is already upon the event. While many things have been cancelled this event is still allowed.” This is something to be very grateful for.


Of course, we will keep strict covid-19 prevention rules. All guests must wear mouth caps. Temperatures will be measured at the gate and hand sanitizer will be available for all.


We have not only a unique choir but also have in 18-year old Deborah an excellent soloist. The songs include Silent Night, You Raise me Up, Hallelujah and I will follow Him. We are grateful for excellent soloists Kevin Anozie (St. John the Baptist Church) and Comfort Dickson (Maadi Community Church) joining us. This event has been prepared by musician Martin Orbidans, CAWU-Learning Center music teacher, who accompanies the singers with piano. It will also be an evening with candlelight.


We could not have possibly organized this choir without the support of Majorel company. They provided for the uniforms, several musical instruments, flyers and more for which we are extremely grateful. ​​



During the evening candles from the Monastery of Dimyana and products made by the families of our students are for sale. All the proceeds will be distributed among the families. Visitors also can contribute in the collection box. Also this will be distributed among the families. Most of whom have only one parent and have to maintain a family with incomes ranging between 3000 and 5000 EgP (approx. 150 – 250 Euro/month) which is far from easy. Thus, our aim is to support the families with this Christmas.


Last but not least: The Center for Arab-West Understanding was established in 2007 to foster dialogue between Christians and Muslims. We therefore accept students of all religions at our Learning Center and also have teachers representing different religions. Dialogue, Shaykh Dr. Tareq al-Gawhary [Ṭāriq al-Jawharī] said at our September 26, 2020, webinar “only works as we start working together.” With this he meant Muslims and Christians together addressing various social problems in society. Education for refugees is one of them. This we see as CAWU’s contribution to dialogue.


If you can attend this evening please come. If you cannot attend visit our CAWU Learning Center Facebook for a life streaming of this event, https://www.facebook.com/CAWULC/



December 21, 2020


Cornelis Hulsman,

Principal CAWU-Learning Center