Displaying 1 - 8 of 8.
On Sunday, an emergency tribunal sentenced Hammām al-Kamūnī to death for his part in last year’s slaying of seven people outside a church in the Upper Egyptian town of Naj‘ Hammādī. * Egyptian newspaper coverage of the court ruling continued on Tuesday, but on a more limited scale than in previous...
Copts for Egypt spokesman Hānī al-Jazīrī announced that the group is getting ready to run a campaign against National Democratic Party candidate ‘Abd al-Rahīm al-Ghūl, who has been linked to the Naj‘ Hammādī massacre in which seven people were killed while celebrating Christmas. Hānī told al-Dustūr...
Tribalism floods the Naj‘ Hammādī and Farshūt districts, especially against candidate ‘Abd al-Rahīm al-Ghūl. His opponents are trying to use his alleged involvement with suspects of the Naj‘ Hammādī incident against him. Al-Ghūl insists the Naj‘ Hammādī incident will have no effect on the elections...
In this AWR article, Jayson Casper comments on Georgette Qillīnī,  a member of the Egyptian People’s Assembly and a Coptic Christian.
Head of the Egyptian Organization for human Rights files a claim against MP ‘Abd al-Rahīm al-Ghūl.
This article addresses the reaction of many bloggers, facebook users, and internet users to the incidents of Nag Hammadi, and other violent sectarian events in Egypt. There are many groups forming on facebook calling for everything from the execution of the shooters in Nag Hammadi to their...
Watani International reporter Nader Shukry heads to Naj‘ Hammādī and gets caught up in the rioting which followed the shooting of six Copts. Shukry includes the change in the tone of Bishop Kyrillos statements which followed the visit to the bisphoric by Qena governor Magdi Ayyub, and also suggests...
A bill concerning ‘urfī marriages that was proposed by the female Member of Parliament Ibtisām Habīb was opposed by another MP because she is a Christian.
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