Displaying 71 - 80 of 482.
Dr. Mahmūd ‘Azab, an advisor to Grand Shaykh Tayīb and a member of the National Council for Women (NCW), said that the Azhar will soon issue a paper on its vital and ambitious project to enhance the status of women inside their families and the society. He noted that the top Sunnī establishment...
Muftī of the Republic Dr. ‘Alī Jum’ah appealed to Egyptians to avoid violence and conflicts while they are casting their votes in the presidential elections and not to pay attention to calls that spark divisions. “The Egyptian people’s will and results of the elections must be respected and...
Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayīb said the people are choosing their president with their own free will for the first time through fair electoral process. “This is a historic day for Egypt and its people,” said Tayīb after casting his vote in the district of Heliopolis, urging voters to...
Bishop Pachomius, the acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church, said after he cast his vote in a polling station in Damanhūr, al-Beheira, that the church stands at the same distance toward all presidential candidates, adding that the church believes in democracy and guarantees freedom for all...
In an opinion piece, Dr. Rev. Safwat al-Bayādi, wrote that it is better to take time drafting the Egyptian Constitution before rushing into the presidential elections to avoid committing the same mistakes again. [Safwat al-Bayādī, al-Ahrām, May 6, p. 10] Read original text in Arabic
In an opinion piece, Dr. Rev. Safwat al-Bayādi, wrote that it is better to take time drafting the Egyptian Constitution before rushing into the presidential elections to avoid committing the same mistakes again. [Safwat al-Bayādī, al-Ahrām, May 6, p. 10] Read original text in Arabic
Equally important, elders of al-Basrah village and leaders of the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party contained tension between Muslim and Christian families in the western Alexandria village. [Nāsir Juwaydah, al-Ahrām, May 6, p. 6] Read original text in Arabic
Moreover, the three Christian denominations called for dialogue among all political powers and parliament to avoid any more deaths. The Coptic Catholic Church released a statement through acting patriarch Bishop Kyrillos in which it said that the heart of the church is aching over the Egyptian...
[Reviewer’s Note: Hadd al-Hirābah is a form of corporal punishment in Islamic sharī’ah, applicable to persons who wreak havoc, terrorize people or are involved in robbery. The punishment is exacted by amputating the right arm and the left leg or the left arm and the right leg. The punishment also...
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Hamīd al-Atrash, former chairman of the Azhar’s Fatwá Committee, said that hadd al-Hirābah must be applied on protesters who block roads, terriorize citizens and burn cars. [Dīyā’ Abū al-Safā, al-Akhbār, May 6, p. 6] Read original text in Arabic


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