Date of source: Tuesday, April 18, 2000
The author states that the book on the creation indicates a revival of the thoughts and beliefs that were adopted by the Western Churches during the Middle Ages, before the age of enlightenment. Second, the book eagerly attempts to deny the miraculous scientific background of the Qur’an, meaning...
Date of source: Tuesday, March 28, 2000
Sub-titles: Dr. Abdel-Sabour Shahin: An international Islamic conference is needed to study how to choose the Sheikh Al-Azhar. Dr. Abdel-Azim Al-Matani: We must return to the old system: The Sheikh of the Azhar should be selected from the group of the Grand Ulama. Dr. Mohammed Ra’fat Othman: There...
Date of source: Tuesday, December 21, 1999
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Kholi, long-serving Professor of Elocution at the Arabic Language Faculty, University of Al-Azhar was recently fired from the staff of the University. In January 1998 he wrote two articles in Al-Shaab newspaper criticizing the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi,...
Date of source: Friday, December 10, 1999
Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin has two court cases against him due to the publication of his book ’My Father Adam... The Story Of Creation Between Myth And Truth’, claiming in it that Adam is not the father of humankind, but the father of reasoning man, and that he was born of a father and a mother. Those...
Date of source: Friday, October 8, 1999
Many Islamic scholars question the value of artistic films. Many of them reject the representation of a sheikhh or ma’azun [marriage official] on the screen. Others, however, want to use the film as a means to spread Islam.
Date of source: Tuesday, September 14, 1999
The Islamic Research Institute decided that what the author wrote was an effort to understand the Qur’anic text. " The committee does not agree to some of the contents of this effort but the committee does not see that the author has contradicted the basis of Faith or religion.
Date of source: Monday, September 13, 1999
The final curtain was drawn on the case concerning Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin’s book "My Father Adam... The Story of Creation between Fantasy And Reality" after the committee formed by the Islamic Research Academy decided that what the author wrote was a attempt to understand the Qur’anic text and...
Date of source: Tuesday, June 15, 1999
Our campaign against Ibn Khaldoun Center concerning its conspiracy against the system of education was exposed on the satellite channels. The "Orbit" satellite channel set a debate between the Islamic thinker, Dr. Abd Al-Azim Al-Mata’ni and Dr. Ahmed Sobhy Mansour, the writer of the new religious...
Date of source: Tuesday, April 20, 1999
The Cairo Court for Urgent Cases will hold a hearing on May 4 on the lawsuit filed against Dr. Abd Al-Sabbour Shahin to stop the publication of his book "My Father Adam. Al-Azhar authorities called for the banning of a book by a Saudi author.
Date of source: Saturday, April 10, 1999 to Friday, April 16, 1999
The Sharia is based on Qur’an and Hadith. But most hathiths are very weak and probably are not even true, argues the author. The author describes differences within the Azhar.