Displaying 1 - 10 of 15.
Rose El-Youssef created a special file on extremism and terrorism. The file discusses cassette tapes that degrade women in Egyptian society, the fact that some lawyers looking for fame collaborate with extremists, that some scholars oppose scholarly development and that terrorists have turned to...
Five Algerian soldiers, three of them officers, were killed in two attacks by suspected Islamic extremists who injured nine other people including civilians Algerian newspapers reported November 7.
A few days after the referendum that ratified the policies of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika regarding the question of terrorism, pressure has mounted from Islamists who supported Bouteflika’s moves.
Algerian President Abdel-Aziz Bouteflika received overwhelming public endorsement of his plans to restore peace to his country.
Anwar Haddam, one of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) leaders in exile, issued a statement from prison in the United States, saying: "The outcome of the referendum in Algeria on September 15 showed the Algerian people’s awareness and eagerness for a genuine concord to heal the wounds and turn the...
Jordan called on world leaders Monday to help combat what it called Islamophobia, the attempt to depict Muslims as extremists to justify discrimination against them.
After months of steady improvement, relations between Algeria and Morocco have suddenly soured again as old charges of Moroccan support for Algerian rebels have resurfaced. In the wake of a brutal massacre of 30 people near the village of Bechar August 14 near the Moroccan border, Algerian...
Islamist extremists killed four people on the first day of campaigning in Algeria for a peace referendum scheduled for September 16 by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the press said August 28.
At least 29 people have been killed in the Bechar region of western Algeria, in the worst attack on civilians since the election of President Abdel Aziz Bouteflika four months ago. In a 15 August statement, security officials blamed Islamist militants for the killings in Beni Ounif, saying that the...
Despite President Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s significant strides in pursuing reconciliation with Islamist opponents there has been a recent spate of terrorist attacks across Algeria after a relative lull. The GIA, Algeria’s most radical guerrilla faction, has dismissed a peace deal between the...


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