Displaying 1 - 10 of 23.
The article reviews a number of articles on the contested campaigns of members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group over the upcoming local council elections.
Although it is still too early to unravel the Sharm el-Sheikh bombings that claimed the lives of 64 people - including seven foreigners - and injured 124 others, several facts are emerging which might explain what happened on that bloody Friday night.
Jābir ‘Asfūr describes the history of terrorism and the appearance of extremist Islamic organizations in Egypt after the end of Nāsir’s rule and the beginning of President Sādāt’s era.
From Rasputin to Bin Lādin, religion has always had a role in politics and in political plans. The following text depicts biographies of a number of people whose religious engagements played a role in their political life.
The review tackles the controversial statements made by Brotherhood chief Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif that he was ready to send 10,000 men to fight alongside Ḥizb Allāh militants against Israel.
The story of Usāmah Bin Lādin, the leader of al-Qā‘idah.
The author investigates in this series of articles the early beginnings of the Salafist ideology that depends on jihād as its principal activity and discusses the reverberations of this movement in several countries.
The fact that generations of terrorists succeeded each other without interruptions means that they succeeded in attracting new members. It confirms the theory that even if Usama Bin Laden would disappear there will be others to replace him. The successors are increasing, and the most dangerous...
The author doubts the claims of the Muslim Brotherhood that their principles are against violence as a means of change.
The US administration played a vital role in supporting terrorist groups financially and militarily in order to use them as a sword against its enemies, the sword rebound upon the heart of the United States in the events of September 11.


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