Displaying 61 - 67 of 67.
The European Commission has urged the mass media not to promote terrorist activities. Other agreements were also made to make the funding of terrorist organizations more difficult.
Abducted children smuggled from The Netherlands by one of the parents reached nearly 422 in the last four years. 60 of them are found in Egypt, the highest number of any country. Other Arab countries include Morocco and Tunisia (20 children each). Turkey occupies the second slot with 36 children,...
The Dutch Intelligence Service warned the Dutch government for the terrorist activities of some Islamic institutions, recommended to stop financing them and to place them under surveillance. One of the institutions mentioned in the report was the Islamic Endowments Institution. They said that their...
A Brussels-based European Institution called Hommes des Paroles or Men of the Words [Editor: We could not find a website of this organization], will hold a press conference in Brussels on the 24th of this month to discuss the details of the first conference of imams and rabbis from all over the...
Dutch authorities deported a Turkish Islamic education teacher branded by the prosecutors as dangerous to the national security. The authorities reported that the teacher gave lessons that incited hatred in a mosque in Rotterdam.
Arsonists attacked Badr Islamic School Sunday, March 27 in the central town of Uden with Molotov cocktails, causing light damages to the Muslim school, Dutch police sources said.
An opinion survey conducted by the Dutch daily Volkskrant shows that eighteen percent of Muslims living in The Netherlands have never gone to a mosque, 27% of them go to mosques only on Fridays and religious feasts, while 51 % of them go to mosques several times during the month.


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