Date of source: Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Muhammad Habīb, Deputy Supreme Guide of the outlawed group, the Muslim Brotherhood, has made an unexpected statement during an occasion held at the Journalists Syndicate, about his appreciation of art and artists.
Date of source: Sunday, July 10, 2005
Jamāl ‘Abd al-Malāk, the former former deputy speaker of the parliament said that the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups are responsible for not effecting political changes at times like these. While he opposed creating a Christian party, a party for the Brotherhood can be created under certain...
Date of source: Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Muslim Brotherhood chief Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif said Rice’s statements dismissing contacts or relations between Washington and the group assert the fact that they have never had ties with the US as propagated by the Egyptian government.
Date of source: Monday, June 27, 2005
Within its frenzied bids to get as many organizations and figures as possible for its National Alliance for Reform, the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood is to welcome in MP Hamdīn Sabbāhī, the founder of the Karāma [Dignity] Party, the frozen Labor Party and several leftists as well as Coptic...
Date of source: Monday, December 13, 2004
Amidst a religious crisis that is still taking its toll on the country due to the announced conversion of a Coptic priest’s wife, a member of Parliament said the Egyptian parliament is to debate the reported sectarian incidents in the governorates of Al-Beheira and Assiut.
Date of source: Sunday, December 5, 2004
Egypt’s outlawed Muslim Brotherhood said it was disturbed by the trial of key activist Wagdi Ghoneim in the United States, after a fresh charge of antagonizing U.S. policies was added to the bill of indictment.
Date of source: Monday, October 28, 2002
The High State Security Court resumes examining the lawsuit of the Tahrir Al-Islamy Party, one week after it was postponed. The lawsuit includes 26 defendants, three of whom are British.
Date of source: Saturday, October 26, 2002
Some Brotherhood members believe that the group needs a kind of ideological renovation like that of the Gama´at Al-Islamiya. Other members believe that the Brotherhood does not have anything to apologize for, and that it did not cause any harm to society at any time, which is not the case for...
Date of source: Wednesday, May 8, 2002
Reconsidering the ideologies of the Gama´at Al-Islamiya on the part of its imprisoned leaders caused divisions within the group. There is a general agreement on renouncing violence. But the controversy lies in the leaders´ declaration to refrain from their previous practices. This is...
Date of source: Saturday, February 25, 2006
The Muslim Brotherhood members expand their presence in sports clubs and run for the elections in governorate clubs.