Date of source: Tuesday, November 12, 2013
In February 2013 Arab-West Report researched the small but controversial Islamist movement known as the Salafī-Jihadis. An interview was procured with Ahmed ‘Ashūsh, one of their leading figures and a colleague of Muhammad al-Zawāhirī, brother of Ayman, the leader of al-Qā’idah. A summary of this...
Date of source: Saturday, September 29, 2001 to Friday, October 5, 2001
Mullah Mohammed Omar, the leader of the Taliban is challenging the greatest power in the world. Is it imaginable that the helpless Afghans, without food, clothes and medicines, will be transformed into powerful fighters? He is doing wrong to the Jihad, to Islam and the Muslims by dragging them...
Date of source: Wednesday, August 6, 2003
The article is an interview with Sheikh Tag Eddin Al-Helali, the Mufti of Australia, who is known for his moderation. He comments on the conditions of the Muslim community in Australia, consequences of the September 11 attacks and the attacks in Bali and fundamentalist groups in Australia.
Date of source: Saturday, June 28, 2003 to Friday, July 4, 2003
London overlooked extremist fundamentalists in the 1990´s. When they started to make trouble, it passed a law allowing detaining them without a trial. London ignored requests for extraditing terrorists to their native countries until two Muslim militants launched attacks in Britain. The...
Date of source: Tuesday, June 10, 2003
The author reports the argument concerning the subject of the movie Spooks. The film discusses the story of recruiting suicide-fundamentalists in one of the mosques of Birmingham. It presents a false image of Muslims and Islam in Britain. Thus it provokes the anger of Muslims.
Date of source: Sunday, August 14, 2005
The article examines the scandalous way in which extremists have managed to present themselves as representatives of Islam, a religion embraced by millions of people. It states that is a shame that people like Bakrī, Abu Qatāda and Abu Hamza al-Masrī appear on television everyday claiming to be...
Date of source: Saturday, July 20, 2002 to Friday, July 26, 2002
Rose Al-Youssef´s special file for this week covers many different subjects: Terrorists and Islamists living in Britain, Sheikh Amr Khaled´s way of preaching, Islam and politics, the role men of religion can play to build up societies and the issue of hijab in Islam.
Date of source: Saturday, January 5, 2002 to Friday, January 11, 2002
Zakariya Moussaoui until now is the only one facing formal charges in connection with the events of September 11. He refused to speak before the judge. The judge considered his silence a denial of the charges. So, she ordered the initiation of the trial in front of a jury the following 14 October...
Date of source: Tuesday, January 24, 2006
In a statement sent to al-Sharq al-Awsat, former head of the London-based al-Mujāhidoun Movement, Anjem Choudary has announced that a conference on jihād in Palestine is scheduled for February 19. According to Choudary, the conference is also due to discuss the new anti-terrorism law, which will...
Date of source: Friday, September 23, 2005
In the aftermath of London bombings, several European countries have adopted tough new anti-terrorist legislation that the author argues restricts Muslims’ freedom.