Displaying 1 - 10 of 22.
An interview/lecture from Richard Gauvain regarding the impact of Salafism in Egypt.
Background: Islamic preacher Yūsuf al-Badrī talked about the characteristics of a preacher and the sources of legislation in Egyptian society. He also talked about the case of liberal Islamic thinker, Naṣr Abū Zayd and criticized his books. The questions were asked and answered in Arabic. For more...
 [AWR: this interview was recorded, transcribed and translated by Diana Maher Ghali]
The author reviews the three volume selected works of Tarek Heggy, the liberal Egyptian political thinker and international petroleum strategist.
The author of the article presents excerpts of the ideas that were discussed during the meeting held in Alexandria on human rights and renovation of religious discourse.
Najīb Mahfūz’s novels are full of religious symbols. Many religious notions have become moral ones through time, language and social traditions.
The author of the article reviews types of Islamic discourse among which are the discourse of Islamic moderation, Sufi Islamic discourse and text-based Islamic discourse.
The author discusses whether Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdel-Wahab, the founder of Wahabism, called for a new school in Islam or simply agreed with the imams of the four main schools. He gives a background on the ideologies of each school to conclude that there is accordance in everything between the...
The author discusses whether the Azhar curricula really need to be improved. He gives many examples of the Azhar schoolbooks to show that they should be changed. Many of the vocabulary used and even the ideas taught are obsolete and against modern sciences. The image of women portrayed in them is...


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