Displaying 141 - 150 of 150.
Dr. Ahmed Kamal Abul Magd, Dr. Said El-Naggar, Dr. Abdel Moneim Said, Dr. Mohamed El-Gohary - members of the Center’s Board of Trustees - and Dr. Ibrahim Shehata, former deputy chairman of the World Bank, five public figures called by Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, chairman of Ibn Khaldoun Center, were...
Report of the second session of the trial of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim and 27 co-defendants. The defense questioned State Security detective, Officer Nasr Mohieddin, the agent who prepared original accusations against the defendants over several months of last year. According to the report of News...
The Sheikh of the Azhar, wrote a letter to the Prime Minster which included the fatwa of the Azhar stating that it is not proper to charge fees to enter Mosques, whether those entering are Moslems or not, and whether they are Egyptians or not, and that the Prime Minister should implement this...
Al-Shaab carried out a fierce campaign against the novel "Banquet for the Seaweed". It opened with an article which stated that the people’s outrage against the Minister of Culture has transferred from the Azhar University to the Faculty of Islamic Studies. Page 3 showed the opinion of some...
The statement issued by 31 scholars of the Azhar Scholars Front rejecting the Personal Status Law raised many questions about the identity of these scholars and to what extent they belong to the Azhar, especially since Sheikh Al-Azhar, Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, and The Islamic Research Council...
Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin has two court cases against him due to the publication of his book ’My Father Adam... The Story Of Creation Between Myth And Truth’, claiming in it that Adam is not the father of humankind, but the father of reasoning man, and that he was born of a father and a mother. Those...
Some members of the Islamic Research Council (IRC) argued that Shahin challenged confirmed facts in the creed, the majority rejected this view and called for debating the issue with the author in a closed session. The inquiry which included prominent sheikhs acquitted Shahin of this offense,...
At the beginning of the meeting Dr. Abu Al-Magd said that Ibn Khaldoun Center is very active in the social work. Like anybody else he has heard about the recent rumors, but he does not do anything about them. He knows quite well that Dr. Ibrahim is a very careful person who will not allow anybody...
False claims are made that Islam violates human rights. The notion of human rights in the West is used to make false claims against Islam.
[and Al-Ahrar, August 10, 1998] Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies issues its second ’Report on the Religious Situation in Egypt’.


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