Displaying 41 - 46 of 46.
In an interview with Rose al-Yousuf, editor-in-chief of al-Katība al-Tībīya (the Theban legion) and Pastor of the Virgin Mary and Pope Kyrillos Church, Father Mityās Nasr Mankarius speaks out on the aims of the controversial magazine.
Father Filopātīr Jamīl was investigated over articles he wrote in the Theban Legion newspaper, as a result of which, he has been suspended for two years.
Bahā’īs are prohibited from joining political parties, running in any elections and partaking in any political activities lest this should open a can of worms with the national various political and religious powers.
The head of the Coptic church has made public statements about the political representation quota system, which Copts have rejected, fearing an increase in sectarian tensions and arguing that the quota system runs counter to the principle of citizenship.
The author expresses his concern that ex-pat Copts in the US are fuelling sectarian tensions within Egypt.
The Ministry of Justice has distributed a leaflet to personal status courts and marriage registry offices prohibiting marriage contracts being registered by two defrocked Evangelical pastors.


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