Displaying 1 - 10 of 12.
Rumors about the establishment of a Coptic organization called the Coptic Brotherhood are spreading on some Coptic Web sites.
A new satellite channel called al-Huwār was established to propagate the Muslim Brotherhood and its international organizations. The author questions if satellite channels use this as a means of attracting viewers in order to gain public acceptance.
The Muslim Brotherhood has criticized the Coptic Orthodox Church, particularly Pope Shenouda, for calling to support the President Mubāraq in the presidential elections of 2005.
Since police arrested members and key figures of the Muslim Brotherhood over holding a military rally at the Azhar University, the group has been suffering from a massive security campaign from and a threat of the constitutional changes.
The victory of the Muslim Brotherhood in the elections of the Bar Association revealed their increasing political influence in Egypt following their recent victory in the parliamentary elections. The Bar association elections revealed the ruling party’s crisis, as it failed to confront the Islamic...
The article highlights some of the most important issues regarding Muslim Brotherhood funding, their relations with the political regime and most importantly, the suspicions regarding their military arrangements.
The author asserts that the Muslim Brotherhood uses research and studies centers as a mean to practice politics, through making statements and publishing articles’ carrying the Islamic group’s ideology.
Thousands of protesters were in the street in Cairo, and thousands more riot police, but for a few moments the only sound was of cars rumbling by and the occasional crackle of a police radio. It was prayer time, and the slogans calling for freedom and democracy had ceased as many of the protesters...
Al-Arabi wrote that the Brotherhood did not participate in the demonstrations against the events in Palestine. Yet, other papers claimed that the Brotherhood was behind most of the demonstrations. Brotherhood members explained that the Palestinian issue is always at the top of their agenda and...
The Muslim Brotherhood is arranging a dialogue session with Alexandria’s Copts, scheduled on Thursday at the Egyptian Center for Media and Cultural Development, Alexandria.


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