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The article talks about a seminar on preserving Coptic antiquities. They are the milestone in ancient Egyptian civilization and culture.
The author believes that the national associations for preserving heritage are the key for saving Egypt’s antiquities, in addition to acting as an effective tool for fostering national unity.
Egyptian intellectuals express their views on the reason behind the Alexandria incident in particular and sectarian tension in Egypt in general.
Al-Qammāsh asks for President Mubārak’s mediatation to reissue al-Sha‘b newspaper, considering the six year ban on the newspaper sufficient punishment .
The author comments on two recent seminars held by the Cultural Committee in the Journalists’ Syndicate and in the Mar Mina Church in Fom Al-Khalig. The two seminars discussed the possibility of reviving the Coptic and the Hieroglyphic languages. The author stressed that such an idea does not mean...
The author wonders why none of the candidates running for the presidency have taken up the issue of al-Shacb, the newspaper considered to be the mouthpiece of the dissolved Labor Party that was shut down. Working to bring back the publication would emphasize the importance of freedom of press and...
The government has established parties it alleges are expressive of the dissolved Labor Party. Yet no room has been left for different opinions, and al-Shā‘b, Labor’s newspaper, which was closed down years ago, has not been re-issued with its original journalists.
Reasons to applaud the restoration of St. Catherine’s monastery.
In dealing with the “other”, we need to engage ourselves openly with other cultures by attempting to understand their ways of thinking, identities, hopes and various philosophies. This should be accomplished without compromising our Egyptian identity, just as the “other” would not compromise his...
A commemorative celebration was held for the national revolutionary father Ibrahim Abdel Sayyed (a member of the Commission), in which a number of political, intellectual and religious leaders participated in appreciation and gratitude for the prominent role he played and the support he provided...
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