Displaying 11 - 20 of 25.
Editor: AWR received this text before President Mubarak announced he would step down. Nothing in the media indicated that this could happen tonight, yet it did.   Ever since the demonstrations began on January 25, men of religion have been stressing the importance of them not being transformed from...
Priest Abdel Messih Baseet called the news of Kamilia's upcoming appearance on television a mere speculation based on the Pope's interview with Al-Ahram newspaper. On the other hand, Hany Aziz assured Amr Adeeb that Kamilia would definitely appear on television starting with the Al-Yawm channel...
Civil rights activist, Sa<sup>c</sup>d al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, told Amr Adeeb that it would be legal for Gamal Mubarak to become president if article 76 in the Egyptian constitution were to be abolished. He also advised Mohamed Elbaradei to form a back-up plan in case his seven demands aren't...
Al-Wafd interviews Abū al-‘Illā Mādī, Secretary General of al-Wasat Party, asking about reasons and solutions for fitnah in Egypt. 
Amin Makram Ebeid writes: Cornelis Hulsman kindly asked me to write a few lines on the tragic events that took place in Naj‘ Hammādī and how this could be best managed, punishing the responsible people and working towards reconciliation between Muslims and Christians in the region.  
Mīkhā’īl Kāmil condemned an episode of ‘Amr Adīb’s program ’Cairo Today,’ in which he criticized the attitude of Father Zakarīyā Butrus toward Islam, accusing Adīb of inciting sectarian sedition.
Transcribed by: Susan Richards-BensonThe following present a transcript of an interview with Tarek Heggy. Heggy discusses a number of issues, centered around his controversial article ‘If I were a Copt.’ He comments on current events in Egypt and the Arab world, and present his opinion on issues...
Eyewitnesses denied the misleading coverage of ’al- Qāhirah al-Yawm’ [Cairo Today] program on the fire in Mār Jirjis in Alexandria which raised skeptical questions on the incident and brought back memories of the sectarian strife that occurred in Muḥarrām Bik in Alexandria.
This article sheds light on human rights violations in Egypt including the torture of civilians at the hands of policemen and security officials. The latest incident at al-Za‘farana ambush opened a pandora’s box and revealed atrocities being practiced in Egypt.
An interview with Mustafa al- Zayyāt, member of al-Jam‘āt al- Islāmīya and the main attorney defending those accused of Islamic fundamentalism, concerning Ayman al-Zawāhirī whom he knew very well from the days they spent together in al-Qal‘a Prison.


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