Displaying 31 - 40 of 42.
The Bahā’īs in Egypt, estimated at more than 10,000, are raising heated controversy due to their increasing authority.
A heated controversy has erupted among Protestant and Orthodox Egyptian churches over the validity of seven books of the Old Testament, the Torah.
The Plymouth Brethren emerged in 1860 in Egypt and started permeating Upper Egypt, particularly in Asyout and al-Minyā, where its Coptic members coexist with their Muslim neighbours; Welcoming Brethren came to Egypt in 1915. Egyptian churches of both denominations reach 165 churches; 115 in Upper...
The followers of Max Michael Hannā have been increasing as his church in al-Muqattam, Saint Athanasius, allows 100,000 divorced Copts another chance after the Orthodox Church downsized the 10 reasons of divorce to fornication.
After having kept his own council for a while, the Grand Shaykh of the Azhar, Dr. Sayyid Tantāwī, has finally ended his silence concerning the Qur’ān desecration incidents in the Guantanamo prison.
In 1951, while he was still a deacon, Pope Shenouda III wrote an article in Madāris al-Ahad [Sunday School] magazine expressing his stance against joining the World Council of Churches (WCC).
Babylon’s Patriarch for the Chaldean Catholics in Iraq and the world said that Baghdad will host the Fifth Christian Conference, which will be attended by religious figures from all over the world.
At Pope Shenouda’s weekly Wednesday meeting someone asked him to forgive Father Aghathon, which provoked an angry reaction and various accusations. This article gives Father Aghathon’s response and explains the background to this dispute. Kamal Zakher Musa, a researcher in Coptic affairs also...
The Orthodox Coptic patriarchy is interrogating archpriest Marcos Aziz of the Hanging Church for opposing the pope’s candidate list in the last Maglis el-Milli elections.
Bishop Stephanous II, the Catholic Patriarch of Egypt, said that the bigotry of Pope Shenouda is the reason behind stumbling the process of the drawing closer of the Christian denominations. He added that the Orthodox emigrant Copts are the ones behind the stirring up of the issue of the...


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