Displaying 61 - 70 of 82.
Al-Maydān claims the Coptic Orthodox Church isolated Bishop Marqus and assigned Bishop Rūfā’īl in his place. Bishop Marques denies this.
The author of the article refers to a conflict that arose between the church and the Coptic newspaper Watanī, and discusses the church’s relationship with the Coptic press over the past century.
The article discusses a study conducted by the author on the political and social circumstances of Copts.
The recent crisis between Watanī newspaper and the Church seems to be conciliated after a meeting between the two parties. The meeting resulted in the agreement that Watanī will stick to the ecumenical line of the Church far from any sectarian or denominational lines that might contradict the...
A history of Watani and its relationship with the church following a controversial article printed in the newspaper considered offensive by the Coptic Church.
After a phase of depression Pope Shenouda fell and broke his “hand” [Reviewer: the Arabic word used is “hand,” but the saying, “break one’s hand” in Arabic can refer to any part of the arm or the hand.]. He will resume his usual duties though, amidst calls for a minor holy assembly to govern...
Muslims and Christians united in their stance against Pope Benedict’s offensive statement to Islam and voiced their disapproval during the national unity banquets held in the month of Ramadān.
This article talks about the annual Faith Deepening Conference which will be held soon, and the current disputes between the church, secularists, and the Ecclesiastical Reform Group.
Pope Shenouda III reiterated threats of penal church measures against any Copt who visited Jerusalem while under Israeli occupation.
The article carries news about the return home of Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria from the United States, where he was on a remedial trip.


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